.. _INTRO:ToolChains:
Which Tool Chains are supported?
.. caution::
The list of tools is outdated. It will be updated and all tools will be reevaluated within the next releases.
The PoC-Library and its Python-based infrastructure currently supports the following free and commercial vendor tool chains:
* Synthesis Tool Chains:
* **Altera Quartus** |br|
Tested with Quartus-II |geq| 13.0. |br|
Tested with Quartus Prime |geq| 15.1.
* **Intel Quartus** |br|
Tested with Quartus Prime |geq| 16.1.
* **Lattice Diamond** |br|
Tested with Diamond |geq| 3.6.
* **Xilinx ISE** |br|
Only ISE 14.7 inclusive Core Generator 14.7 is supported.
* **Xilinx PlanAhead** |br|
Only PlanAhead 14.7 is supported.
* **Xilinx Vivado** |br|
Tested with Vivado |geq| 2015.4. |br|
Due to a limited VHDL language support compared to ISE 14.7, some PoC IP cores need special work arounds. See the synthesis documention section for Vivado for more details.
* Simulation Tool Chains:
* **Aldec Active-HDL** |br|
Tested with Active-HDL (or Student-Edition) |geq| 10.3 |br|
Tested with Active-HDL Lattice Edition |geq| 10.2
* **Cocotb with Mentor QuestaSim backend** |br|
Tested with Mentor QuestaSim 10.4d
* **Mentor Graphics ModelSim** |br|
Tested with ModelSim PE (or Student Edition) |geq| 10.5c |br|
Tested with ModelSim SE |geq| 10.5c |br|
Tested with ModelSim Altera Edition 10.3d (or Starter Edition)
* **Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/ModelSim** |br|
Tested with Mentor QuestaSim |geq| 10.4d
* **Xilinx ISE Simulator** |br|
Tested with ISE Simulator (iSim) 14.7. |br|
The Python infrastructure supports isim, but PoC's simulation helper packages and testbenches rely on VHDL-2008 features, which are not supported by isim.
* **Xilinx Vivado Simulator** |br|
Tested with Vivado Simulator (xsim) |geq| 2016.3. |br|
The Python infrastructure supports xsim, but PoC's simulation helper packages and testbenches rely on VHDL-2008 features, which are not fully supported by xsim, yet.
* **GHDL** + **GTKWave** |br|
Tested with `GHDL `_ |geq| 0.34dev and `GTKWave `_ |geq| 3.3.70 |br|
Due to ungoing development and bugfixes, we encourage to use the newest GHDL version.