.. _USING:PoCConfig: .. raw:: html .. |kbd-Y| raw:: html Y .. |kbd-N| raw:: html N .. |kbd-P| raw:: html P .. |kbd-Return| raw:: html Return Configuring PoC's Infrastructure ################################ To explore PoC's full potential, it's required to configure some paths and synthesis or simulation tool chains. It's possible to relaunch the process at any time, for example to register new tools or to update tool versions. .. contents:: Contents of this page :local: :depth: 2 .. _USING:PoCConf:Over: Overview ======== The setup process is started by invoking PoC's frontend script with the command ``configure``. Please follow the instructions on screen. Use the keyboard buttons: |kbd-Y| to accept, |kbd-N| to decline, |kbd-P| to skip/pass a step and |kbd-Return| to accept a default value displayed in brackets. Optionally, a vendor or tool chain name can be passed to the configuration process to launch only its configuration routines. **On Linux:** .. code-block:: Bash cd ProjectRoot ./lib/PoC/poc.sh configure # with tool chain name ./lib/PoC/poc.sh configure Xilinx.Vivado **On OS X** Please see the Linux instructions. **On Windows** .. NOTE:: All Windows command line instructions are intended for :program:`Windows PowerShell`, if not marked otherwise. So executing the following instructions in Windows Command Prompt (:program:`cmd.exe`) won't function or result in errors! See the :doc:`Requirements section ` on where to download or update PowerShell. .. code-block:: PowerShell cd ProjectRoot .\lib\PoC\poc.ps1 configure # with tool chain name .\lib\PoC\poc.ps1 configure Xilinx.Vivado **Introduction screen:** .. code-block:: none PS D:\git\PoC> .\poc.ps1 configure ================================================================================ The PoC-Library - Service Tool ================================================================================ Explanation of abbreviations: Y - yes P - pass (jump to next question) N - no Ctrl + C - abort (no changes are saved) Upper case or value in '[...]' means default value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuring PoC PoC version: v1.0.1 (found in git) Installation directory: D:\git\PoC (found in environment variable) .. _USING:PoCConf:PoC: The PoC-Library =============== PoC itself has a fully automated configuration routine. It detects if PoC is under Git control. If so, it extracts the current version number from the latest Git tag. The installation directory is infered from ``$PoCRootDirectory`` setup by ``PoC.ps1`` or ``poc.sh``. .. code-block:: none Configuring PoC PoC version: v1.0.1 (found in git) Installation directory: D:\git\PoC (found in environment variable) .. _USING:PoCConf:Git: Git === .. NOTE:: Setting up Git and Git developer settings, is an advanced feature recommended for all developers interrested in providing Git pull requests or patches. .. code-block:: none Configuring Git Git installation directory [C:\Program Files\Git]: Install Git mechanisms for PoC developers? [y/N/p]: y Install Git filters? [Y/n/p]: Installing Git filters... Install Git hooks? [Y/n/p]: Installing Git hooks... Setting 'pre-commit' hook for PoC... .. _USING:PoCConf:Aldec: Aldec ===== Configure the installation directory for all Aldec tools. .. code-block:: none Configuring Aldec Are Aldec products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Aldec installation directory [C:\Aldec]: Active-HDL ---------- .. code-block:: none Configuring Aldec Active-HDL Is Aldec Active-HDL installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Aldec Active-HDL version [10.3]: Aldec Active-HDL installation directory [C:\Aldec\Active-HDL]: C:\Aldec\Active-HDL-Student-Edition .. _USING:PoCConf:Altera: Altera ====== Configure the installation directory for all Altera tools. .. code-block:: none Configuring Altera Are Altera products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Altera installation directory [C:\Altera]: Quartus ------- .. code-block:: none Configuring Altera Quartus Is Altera Quartus-II or Quartus Prime installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Altera Quartus version [15.1]: 16.0 Altera Quartus installation directory [C:\Altera\16.0\quartus]: ModelSim Altera Edition ----------------------- .. code-block:: none Configuring ModelSim Altera Edition Is ModelSim Altera Edition installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y ModelSim Altera Edition installation directory [C:\Altera\15.0\modelsim_ae]: C:\Altera\16.0\modelsim_ase .. _USING:PoCConf:Lattice: Lattice ======== Configure the installation directory for all Lattice Semiconductor tools. .. code-block:: none Configuring Lattice Are Lattice products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Lattice installation directory [D:\Lattice]: Diamond ------- .. code-block:: none Configuring Lattice Diamond Is Lattice Diamond installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: > Lattice Diamond version [3.7]: Lattice Diamond installation directory [D:\Lattice\Diamond\3.7_x64]: Active-HDL Lattice Edition -------------------------- .. code-block:: none Configuring Active-HDL Lattice Edition Is Aldec Active-HDL installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Active-HDL Lattice Edition version [10.2]: Active-HDL Lattice Edition installation directory [D:\Lattice\Diamond\3.7_x64\active-hdl]: .. _USING:PoCConf:Mentor: Mentor Graphics =============== Configure the installation directory for all mentor Graphics tools. .. code-block:: none Configuring Mentor Are Mentor products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Mentor installation directory [C:\Mentor]: QuestaSim --------- .. code-block:: none Configuring Mentor QuestaSim Is Mentor QuestaSim installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Mentor QuestaSim version [10.4d]: 10.4c Mentor QuestaSim installation directory [C:\Mentor\QuestaSim\10.4c]: C:\Mentor\QuestaSim64\10.4c .. _USING:PoCConf:Xilinx: Xilinx ====== Configure the installation directory for all Xilinx tools. .. If Xilinx products are available and they shall be configured in PoC, then answer the following questions: .. code-block:: none Configuring Xilinx Are Xilinx products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Xilinx installation directory [C:\Xilinx]: ISE --- If an Xilinx ISE environment is available and shall be configured in PoC, then answer the following questions: .. code-block:: none Configuring Xilinx ISE Is Xilinx ISE installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Xilinx ISE installation directory [C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS]: Vivado ------ If an Xilinx ISE environment is available and shall be configured in PoC, then answer the following questions: .. code-block:: none Configuring Xilinx Vivado Is Xilinx Vivado installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Xilinx Vivado version [2016.2]: Xilinx Vivado installation directory [C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2016.2]: .. _USING:PoCConf:GHDL: GHDL ==== .. code-block:: none Configuring GHDL Is GHDL installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y GHDL installation directory [C:\Tools\GHDL\0.34dev]: .. _USING:PoCConf:GTKWave: GTKWave ======== .. code-block:: none Configuring GTKWave Is GTKWave installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y GTKWave installation directory [C:\Tools\GTKWave\3.3.71]: .. _USING:PoCConf:HookFiles: Hook Files ========== PoC's wrapper scripts can be customized through pre- and post-hook file. See :doc:`Wrapper Script Hook Files ` for more details.