Miscellaneous ############# The directory ``PoCRoot\tools\`` contains several tools and addons to ease the work with the PoC-Library and VHDL. GNU Emacs ********* .. TODO:: No documentation available. Git *** * ``git-alias.setup.ps1``/``git-alias.setup.sh`` registers new global aliasses in Git * ``git tree`` - Prints the colored commit tree into the console * ``git treea`` - Prints the colored commit tree into the console .. code-block:: Bash git config --global alias.tree 'log --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --date-order --graph' git config --global alias.tree 'log --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --date-order --graph --all' Browse the `Git directory `_. Notepad++ ********* The PoC-Library is shipped with syntax highlighting rules for `Notepad++ `_. The following additional file types are supported: * PoC Configuration Files (*.ini) * PoC *.Files Files (*.files) * PoC *.Rules Files (*.rules) * Xilinx User Constraint Files (*.ucf): ``Syntax Highlighting - Xilinx UCF`` Browse the `Notepad++ directory `_.