.. _FileFormat:files: *.files Format ############## .. contents:: Contents of this Page :local: Files files are used to ... Line comments start with ``#``. Document ******** Source File Statements ********************** Bla :token:`VHDLStatement` blub * ``vhdl Library ""`` This statement references a VHDL source file. * ``verilog ""`` This statement references a Verilog source file. * ``cocotb ""`` This statement references a Cocotb testbench file (Python file). * ``ucf ""`` This statement references a Xilinx User Constraint File (UCF). * ``sdc ""`` This statement references a Synopsys Design Constraint file (SDC). * ``xdc ""`` This statement references a Xilinx Design Constraint file (XDC). * ``ldc ""`` This statement references a Lattice Design Constraint file (LDC). Conditional Statements ********************** * ``If () Then ... [ElseIf () Then ...][Else ...] End IF`` This allows the user to define conditions, when to load a source file into the file list. The ``ElseIF`` and ``Else`` clause of an ``If`` statement are optional. Boolean Expressions ******************* Unary operators --------------- * ``!`` - not * ``[...]`` - list construction * ``?`` - file exists Binary operators ---------------- * ``and`` - and * ``or`` - or * ``xor`` - exclusive or * ``in`` - in list * ``=`` - equal * ``!=`` - unequal * ``<`` - less than * ``<=`` - less than or equal * ``>`` - greater than * ``>=`` - greater than or equal Literals -------- * ```` - a pre-defined constant * ``""`` - Strings are enclosed in quote signs * ```` - Integers as decimal values Pre-defined constants --------------------- * Environment Variables: * ``Environment`` Values: * ``"Simulation"`` * ``"Synthesis"`` * ``ToolChain`` - The used tool chain. E.g. ``"Xilinx_ISE"`` * ``Tool`` - The used tool. E.g. ``"Mentor_QuestaSim"`` or ``"Xilinx_XST"`` * ``VHDL`` - The used VHDL version. ``1987``, ``1993``, ``2002``, ``2008`` * Board Variables: * ``BoardName`` - A string. E.g. ``"KC705"`` * Device Variables: * ``DeviceVendor`` - The vendor of the device. E.g. ``"Altera"`` * ``DeviceDevice`` - * ``DeviceFamily`` - * ``DeviceGeneration`` - * ``DeviceSeries`` - Path Expressions **************** * ``/`` - sub-directory * ``&`` - string concat ### Other Statements * ``include ""`` Include another \*.files file. * ``library ""`` Reference an existing (pre-compiled) VHDL library, which is passed to the simulator, if external libraries are supported. * ``report ""`` Print a critical warning in the log window. This critical warning is treated as an error.