Get Involved ############ A first step might be to use and explore PoC and it's infrastructure in an own project. Moreover, we encurage to read our online help which covers all aspects from quickstart example up to detailed IP core documentation. While using PoC, you might discover issues or missing feature. Please report them as `listed below <#report-a-bug>`_. If you have an interresting project, please send us feedback or get listed on our :doc:`Who uses PoC? ` page. If you are more familiar with PoC and it's components, you might start asking youself how components internally work. Please read our more advanced topics in the online help, read our inline source code comments or start a discussion on `Gitter <#talk-to-us-on-gitter>`_ to ask us directly. Now you should be very familiar with our work and you might be interessted in developing own components and contribute them to the main repository. See the `next section <#contribute-to-poc>`_ for detailed instructions on the Git fork, commit, push and pull-request flow. PoC ships some :doc:`third-party libraries `. If you are interessted in getting your library or components shipped as part of PoC or as a third-party components, please contact us. Report a Bug ************ .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: Please report issues of any kind in our Git provider's issue tracker. This allows us to categorize issues into groups and assign developers to them. You can track the issue's state and see how it's getting solved. All enhancements and feature requests are tracked on GitHub at `GitHub Issues `_. Feature Request *************** Please report missing features of any kind. We are allways looking forward to provide a full feature set. Please use our Git provider's issue tracker to report enhancements and feature requests, so you can track the request's status and implementation. All enhancements and feature requests are tracked on GitHub at `GitHub Issues `_. Talk to us on Gitter ******************** .. image:: :target: You can chat with us on `Gitter `_ in our Giiter Room `VLSI-EDA/PoC `_. You can use Gitter for free with your existing GitHub or Twitter account. Contributers License Agreement ****************************** We require all contributers to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). If you don't know whatfore a CLA is needed and how it prevents legal issues on both sides, read `this short blog `_ post. PoC uses the :doc:`Apache Contributor License Agreement ` to match the :doc:`Apache License 2.0 `. So to get started, `sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) `_ at ` `_. You can authenticate yourself with an existing GitHub account. Contribute to PoC ***************** .. image:: Contibuting source code via Git is very easy. We don't provide direct write access to our repositories. Git offers the fork and pull-request philosophy, which means: You clone a repository, provide your changes in your own repository and notify us about outstanding changes via a pull-requests. We will then review your proposed changes and integrate them into our repository. *Steps 1 to 5 are done only once for setting up a forked repository.* 1. Fork the PoC Repository ========================== .. image:: :target: Git repositories can be cloned on a Git provider's server. This procedure is called *forking*. This allows Git providers to track the repository's network, check if repositories are related to each other and notify if pull-requests are available. Fork our repository ``VLSI-EDA/PoC`` on GitHub into your or your's Git organisation's account. In the following the forked repository is referenced as ``/PoC``. 2. Clone the new Fork ===================== Clone this new fork to your machine. See :ref:`Downloading via Git clone ` for more details on how to clone PoC. If you have already cloned PoC, then you can setup the new fork as an additional *remote*. You should set ``VLSI-EDA/PoC`` as fetch target and the new fork ``/PoC`` as push target. **Shell Commands for Cloning:** .. code-block:: PowerShell cd GitRoot git clone --recursive "ssh://" PoC cd PoC git remote rename origin github git remote add upstream "ssh://" git fetch --prune --tags **Shell Commands for Editing an existing Clone:** .. code-block:: PowerShell cd PoCRoot git remote rename github upstream git remote add github "ssh://" git fetch --prune --tags *These commands work for Git submodules too.* 3. Checkout a Branch ==================== Checkout the ``master`` or ``release`` branch and maybe stash outstanding changes. .. code-block:: PowerShell cd PoCRoot git checkout release 4. Setup PoC for Developers =========================== Run PoC's :ref:`configuration routines ` and setup the developer tools. .. code-block:: PowerShell cd PoCRoot .\PoC.ps1 configure git 5. Create your own ``master`` Branch ==================================== Each developer has his own ``master`` branch. So create one and check it out. .. code-block:: PowerShell cd PoCRoot git branch /master git checkout /master git push github /master If PoC's branches are moving forward, you can update your own master branch by merging changes into your branch. 6. Create your Feature Branch ============================= Each new feature or bugfix is developed on a feature branch. Examples for branch names: +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | Branch name | Description | +=================+======================================+ | bugfix-utils | Fixes a bug in ``utils.vhdl``. | +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | docs-spelling | Fixes the documentation. | +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | spi-controller | A new SPI controller implementation. | +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ .. code-block:: PowerShell cd PoCRoot git branch / git checkout / git push github / 7. Commit and Push Changes ========================== Commit your porposed changes onto your feature branch and push all changes to GitHub. .. code-block:: PowerShell cd PoCRoot # git add .... git commit -m "Fixed a bug in function bounds() in utils.vhdl." git push github / 8. Create a Pull-Request ======================== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: Go to your forked repository and klick on "Compare and Pull-Request" or go to our PoC repository and create a new `pull request `_. If this is your first Pull-Request, you need to sign our Contributers License Agreement (CLA). 9. Keep your ``master`` up-to-date =================================== .. TODO:: undocumented Give us Feedback **************** Please send us feedback about the PoC documentation, our IP cores or your user story on how you use PoC. List of Contributers ******************** ========================= ============================================================ Contributor [#f1]_ Contact E-Mail ========================= ============================================================ Genßler, Paul Köhler, Steffen Lehmann, Patrick [#f2]_; Preußer, Thomas B. [#f2]_; Reichel, Peter; Schirok, Jan Voß, Jens Zabel, Martin [#f2]_ ========================= ============================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] In alphabetical order. .. [#f2] Maintainer.